Strengthening America

Revitalizing The Middle East

The Emma Lazarus Institute is Forging New Paths for Shared Values

Guided by the distinctive Sephardi heritage and liberal values epitomized by Emma Lazarus that played a pivotal role in shaping what it means to be American, the Emma Lazarus Institute (ELI) seeks to foster the common principles embraced by the Democratic West and the Moderate East.

The institute acts as a bridge, amalgamating the finest aspects of Eastern and Western values to forge a new golden age for America and the Middle East for more safety, tolerance and economic prosperity.

Promoting Shared 
Values and History
 ELI champions and strengthens the shared values of the Liberal West and the Moderate East, emphasizing people-centered governance, economic advancement, tolerance, and inclusion.
Bridging Cultural Divides
ELI cultivates robust connections between the United States and its Middle Eastern allies, fostering meaningful cultural understanding to identify and promote common ground.
Countering Extremism
ELI firmly confronts all manifestations of extremism, recognizing it as the foremost threat to global safety and prosperity.  

Our Pillars

  • People-First Governance

  • Prosperity & Economic Opportunity

  • Tolerance & Inclusion

  • Protection of Religious Sanctity

  • Moderation and Cooperation

  • Regional & Global Safety

Contact Us:

Until we are all free, we are none of us free.
— Emma Lazarus